Dr. Don Crump recently retired from the Commission on Colleges at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools where he served as Associate Executive Director for five years. Prior to that time, he was a Professor and Associate Vice President for Planning and Evaluation at the University of Alabama. He served as the first Chairman on the State of Alabama Articulation and General Studies Committee from 1994 to 1996, and conducted the first evaluation of the Statewide Transfer and Articulation Reporting System (STARS) in 2002.
During his employment with the Commission on Colleges at SACS, Dr. Crump served as Associate Executive Director and as Staff Representative for over 100 colleges and universities the 11-state southern region. He served as the Commission’s staff member working with the committee developing guidelines and materials for the Quality Enhancement Plan in the new Principles of Accreditation.
He has consulted frequently with higher education institutions concerned with strategic planning, institutional effectiveness, and assessment of student learning outcomes. He has worked with colleges and universities in the United Arab Emirates University, University of the North in Barranquilla, Colombia, and the Alabama Community College System. He has been a consultant to the Alabama Community College System directing Project QPA: Quality, Performance, and Accountability. This project has led to a revised institutional management plan and the College Accountability Performance Profile (CAPP) that was implemented in Alabama’s community colleges for the first time in spring 2006. Which is now used as a part of the performance evaluation of each of Alabama’s 27 community colleges.